Title and author of book: You Can Run But You Can't Hide - Duane "Dog" Chapman
Fiction or non-fiction? Genre? Non-fiction, memoir.
What led you to pick up this book? I love the Dog! Back when I had cable, I watched his show all the time. Plus, I love biographies and memoirs.
Plot summary:Duane Chapman, aka Dog the Bounty Hunter, has had an amazing life. He had a troubled and trying upbringing, which led to an early life of crime, including numerous arrests for armed robbery and a murder conviction. While Dog claims to be innocent of the murder rap, he maintains that the 5 years he served for the crime changed his life. With a newfound respect for the law, Dog vowed to become a force for change and good. This inspired him to pursue a career in bounty hunting. Dog is now the owner of Da Kine Bail Bonds in Honolulu and self-proclaimed Greatest Bounty Hunter in the World. Six thousand-plus captures over the past two decades have earned this highly intense, charismatic ex-con and born-again Christian such a distinction. He is also a devoted father of 12-and some of his older children work with him as bounty hunters, along with his equally charismatic new wife Beth. In YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE, Dog details all this and more, giving his legion of fans all the details they've been waiting for.
What did you like most about the book? I liked reading about how Dog got started bounty hunting. It doesn't seem to be a career one chooses - it's more of a "I just fell into it" kind of thing.
What did you like least? Dog - no surprise - has a bit of an ego and that shows in his words.
Do you recommend this book? If you are a fan of the Dog, by all means, read it. It's a good story. If you're not, you probably won't enjoy it.