This week, Rebecca asks:
Where do you keep any books borrowed from friends or the library? Do they live with your own collection, or do you keep separate? Do you monitor them in any way?
I generally don't borrow books from friends, mostly because I have so many books of my own in my to-be-read list that I know I probably won't get to theirs for a while and I wouldn't want to keep them waiting for their books.
As for library books, I do get many, many of them, and they go in a pile separate from my other books. My own books are stacked up in bookshelves in my living room; my library books live in a pile on my desk in my living room. I even try to keep them in order of due date so I can at least try to get them read before they have to go back. It almost never happens, but I try!
Glad I'm not the only one that keeps their books stacked according to their due date.
Heck yeah! My books are already always overdue. Keep them stacked by due date helps keep that down ... although not quite enough. :)
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